Buy Instagram Followers,
Likes & Views - Instantly!

You’ll build popularity, credibility, and importance with iDigic’s top-ranked social media services.

Get Started from $1.49
  • 100% Growth Guaranteed

  • No username required

  • 24/7 Chat Support

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Trusted by 58,980+users

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Connecting greatest Instagram creative minds worldwide

Why Choose iDigic?

Supercharge Your Instagram Presence and Influence!

Digic’s industry-leading growth services have been powering Instagram accounts to new audience and engagement levels for 13+ years — at very affordable prices!

Real Instagram Likes
Authentic Engagement Matters

Real Instagram Likes

Lots of vendors sell IG likes. But most of them use bots to create fake engagements that don’t move the needle and can get you banned from the app.

When you buy Instagram likes from iDigic, every like comes from a real Instagram user with a real account, triggering powerful growth in your posts’ audience and exposure and possibly landing them on the Explore page.
Buy Instagram Likes
Real Instagram Followers
Strategic Visibility

Real Instagram Followers

To build a large following, you need your IG content to be seen by lots of people who haven’t seen it before. iDigic makes it easy. Buy real Instagram followers and you’ll tell the system that your account’s becoming popular.

Your posts will receive widespread visibility almost immediately. More exposure brings in lots of new organic followers and explodes your Instagram popularity and influence.
Buy Instagram Followers
Real Instagram Views
Engagement Catalyst

Real Instagram Views

A high video view count tells surfers that your content is worth checking out. A growing number of views also tells Instagram that your video is so popular that lots of random viewers should have a chance to watch it, too.

Our views packages let you build visibility for your posts in both ways, and when you buy Instagram views from iDigic, you can split them between videos, too.
Buy Instagram Views
Process Revealed

How iDigic Works

Choose Your Package

Choose Your Package

We offer a wide range of IG followers, likes, and views packages and options at very reasonable prices.

Enter Your Details

Enter Your Details

We only need your username. There’s no need to register or give us your password or your personal information.

Watch Your Growth!

Watch Your Growth!

Your engagements will start arriving almost instantly, and your account’s popularity and importance will soar!

Partnership Promise

iDigic: Your Trusted Partner for Instagram Growth!

Real, High-Quality Engagements

Real, High-Quality Engagements

The Instagram algorithms quickly detect fake interactions from fake accounts. We only deliver the highest-quality real likes, followers, and likes from real IG users — which is why most of our clients have been buying from iDigic for years.

Instant Delivery

Instant Delivery

Nothing’s more frustrating than waiting hours or days to receive your Instagram interactions. iDigic followers, likes, and views start arriving within seconds of your order; we don’t make you wait to see your Instagram growth take off.

24/7 Customer Support

24/7 Customer Support

Nothing’s more frustrating than waiting hours or days to receive your Instagram interactions. iDigic followers, likes, and views start arriving within seconds of your order; we don’t make you wait to see your Instagram growth take off.

Money-Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

Our business depends on satisfying our customers, so we’ve built a service that’s responsive and reliable. If you’re not happy with your iDigic purchase or experience, just tell us. If we can’t fix it, you’ll receive a 100% refund, guaranteed.

Service Spotlight

A Closer Look at iDigic’s services!

Why Buy Insta Followers?

Instagram has almost 2.5 billion users worldwide. But when you post a video or photo on the app, almost none of them will see it; there are just too many people competing for exposure. You can try to optimize your Instagram profile for searches, promote your content on other social media platforms, or reach out to other Instagram users who have similar interests. That takes a lot of time, though, and will only bring in handfuls of new followers.

The only to break through and attract large numbers of followers is to convince the Instagram algorithms that your account is becoming more popular, since the algos are programmed to give larger audiences to popular accounts. When you buy iDigic’s IG followers, you’re telling the algorithms that your content deserves more visibility on random users’ feeds. More people will see your posts for the first time, and as long as you’re creating interesting, high-quality content, your follower count will soar.

How Else Does Buying Followers Help?

In the digital age, your importance is judged largely on your social media presence. The more followers you have on Instagram and other apps, the more popular, influential, and trustworthy you seem to your peers and the people who come across your posts. It goes even further; when you meet a new contact in real life, they’ll often check out your social profiles to learn more about you and decide how seriously you should be taken. Having lots of followers sends a powerful message to them.

Here’s another benefit of iDigic’s purchased followers. When IG users who don’t know you come across your account, one of the first things they’ll do is try to figure out whether your content is worth their time. Seeing a large follower count sends a powerful message that many other people have already seen your videos and photos, and they’ve decided that you’re worth following. Buying followers makes your Instagram presence more valuable and earns you even more fans.

Buy Real Instagram Followers

iDigic’s Instagram Follower Packages at a Glance:

  • All <b>real interactions</b> from real IG users with real accounts

    All real interactions from real IG users with real accounts

  • Packages from <b>100-5,000 real</b> followers available

    Packages from 100-5,000 real followers available

  • Choose between <b>real high-quality</b> or <b>super-quality follows</b>

    Choose between real high-quality or super-quality follows

  • <b>Very reasonable</b> prices

    Very reasonable prices

  • <b>Fast</b> and <b>secure</b> ordering process

    Fast and secure ordering process

  • 24/7 live chat <b>customer support</b>

    24/7 live chat customer support

  • <b>No password</b> required

    No password required

  • <b>Satisfaction guarantee</b>

    Satisfaction guarantee

Why Buy Insta Likes?

Boosting an account’s follower count is one common goal for Instagram users; it makes their entire account and its content more visible. When you buy iDigic’s Instagram likes, you’re doing much the same thing, but for individual posts. If you’ve ever wondered how videos wind up going viral, it’s by building high levels of engagement; purchased likes can prime the pump for enormous popularity growth by bringing in huge numbers of new viewers.

And the challenge facing IG users who want to lots of people to engage with and like their videos is the same one facing those who want to build their following: competition. About 100 million new pieces of content are uploaded to Instagram every day, so you need an extra edge to have your videos seen. Buying likes tells the algorithms that your posts have become more popular, and your videos’ popularity is rewarded with large new audiences. Problem solved; exposure earned.

How Else Does Buying Likes Help?

There’s an important marketing phenomenon that Insta users can benefit from. It’s called “social proof,” and it means that people are more likely to take an action when lots of others just like them have already done the same thing. On Instagram, that means people are more likely to watch and like a video if they know that many other users already have. A high like count sends the message that since large numbers of users have already liked a video, it must be worth watching.

One of the primary goals of Insta users who want their videos to become popular and even go viral is to put the vids on the Instagram Explore page, which is a ticket to widespread visibility and enormous levels of engagement. The algorithms determine which videos deserve that exposure by looking at a metric called engagement rate. Purchased likes boost a post’s engagement rate, making it more likely that they’ll win the sweepstakes, land on the Explore page, and become a sensation.

Buy Real Instagram Likes

iDigic’s Instagram Likes Packages at a Glance:

  • All <b>authentic engagements</b> from real users

    All authentic engagements from real users

  • Packages of <b>50 to 10,000</b> legitimate likes

    Packages of 50 to 10,000 legitimate likes

  • Option to <b>split likes</b> between multiple posts

    Option to split likes between multiple posts

  • <b>Friendly prices</b>  and <b>immediate delivery</b>

    Friendly prices and immediate delivery

  • <b>Free video views</b> with all packages

    Free video views with all packages

  • 24/7 live chat <b>chat support</b>

    24/7 live chat chat support

  • <b>No password</b> required

    No password required

  • <b>Satisfaction guarantee</b>

    Satisfaction guarantee

Why Buy Insta Views?

iDigic’s IG views are very similar to our likes, in terms of their effect on your Instagram posts. They show the system that your content is being watched more and more often, making it popular enough to be given extra visibility and shown to people who’ve never seen it before. They all get their first chance to view the video, like it, and follow your account to see what else you create. The purchased views jumpstart the type of organic growth you need to become a force on the Gram.

Many customers wonder whether it’s better to buy Instagram views or likes, and there’s no “right” answer. Views and likes each boost exposure and engagement rates, making it more likely that a video will appear on the Explore page and potentially go viral. They both trigger strong organic growth as well, generating increased audiences that bring in additional views, likes, and followers. Likes may be somewhat more powerful, but views are less expensive.

How Else Does Buying Views Help?

Social proof doesn’t just bring in new likes; it works just as well for video views. When you buy a package of iDigic views, the numbers start clicking on your video’s view count and show surfers that lots of people have stopped to watch. As your view count keeps rising, the more popular your video looks — and the more viewers it will attract. It’s not a one-time process, either; purchased views start the growth cycle and the organic viewers you entice power that growth exponentially.

You can buy tens of thousands of iDigic video views and split them between multiple posts, making view packages a cost-effective way to significantly boost engagement rates for several posts for a small investment. When you show account visitors that your content receives impressive social media attention, that makes you and your account look more reputable and important, and drives your Instagram presence to new heights.

Buy Real Instagram Views

iDigic’s Instagram Views Packages at a Glance:

  • 100% <b>real views</b> from legitimate IG accounts

    100% real views from legitimate IG accounts

  • Choose from packages <b>with 100 to 50,000</b> video views

    Choose from packages with 100 to 50,000 video views

  • Ability to <b>split</b>views between multiple posts

    Ability to splitviews between multiple posts

  • <b>Rapid delivery </b>and <b>fair prices</b>

    Rapid delivery and fair prices

  • <b>Secure ordering</b> platform

    Secure ordering platform

  • 24/7 <b>customer support</b>

    24/7 customer support

  • <b>No password</b> required

    No password required

  • <b>Satisfaction guarantee</b>

    Satisfaction guarantee

Quality Difference

Why choose iDigic?

We’ve outlined the products and services you can expect to receive when using iDigic’s Instagram growth services. We’ve explained that our followers, likes, and views all come from real IG users with real accounts, and never from bots or fake accounts (the tricks most other vendors use to create the fake Instagram interactions they sell).

Why choose iDigic?

We’ve also detailed the enormous range of package sizes and options we offer to customers, and we’ve mentioned our instant delivery, our safe and secure ordering process, our around-the-clock live chat customer support, and our unparalleled money-back guarantee.

But here are some of the other reasons why iDigic has become the Instagram provider of choice for tens of thousands of the app’s power users.



Our repeat clients wouldn’t come back, over and over again, if our real followers, likes, and views didn’t deliver powerful organic growth. iDigic’s high-quality interactions provide the strongest growth available from any Instagram service, often doubling the results that customers see from our closest competitors — and our super-quality followers and premium likes trigger even stronger growth.

Premium Value

One more thing

One more thing we should mention: we’re not the lowest-price service you can find.

One more thing

Fly-by-night vendors selling fake interactions often charge less, and you get what you pay for. However, iDigic’s prices are surprisingly inexpensive, and they’re almost always lower than those charged by other reputable competitors.

When you’re ready to start growing your Instagram presence, iDigic is the partner you need. Join the tens of thousands of powerful, influential, and successful Instagram users who’ve counted on iDigic to build their accounts to new levels!

Our Services

A Closer Look at iDigics services!



Fly-by-night vendors selling fake interactions often charge less, and you get what you pay for. However, iDigic’s prices are surprisingly inexpensive, and they’re here.



Fly-by-night vendors selling fake interactions often charge less, and you get what you pay for. However, iDigic’s prices are surprisingly inexpensive, and they’re here.



Fly-by-night vendors selling fake interactions often charge less, and you get what you pay for. However, iDigic’s prices are surprisingly inexpensive, and they’re here.